As I work with our client towards building Island Life’s first ever Comox Project, things have been put on hold until we get a parking permit. In the meantime while we wait for parking approval, I have come up with three different roof options that we can present to the city so that we can obtain a building permit within a timely manner. Option 1 is true to the building’s architectural function with a flat roof and flat parapet. On this roof, as with all other options, there is a roof top deck (Hence the boxy shape). Although option 2 still has a roof top deck, the parapet has a v shape and features 2 overhangs, giving the illusion of a butterfly roof without the leaks and maintenance of actually having one. Overhangs are also important, especially in a wet climate such as ours. Option 3 I like to call the cheese wedge because…..(well you can see why). The building angles downwards towards the South allowing for adequate views of Kye Bay and the surrounding forest. Hopefully a decision on the rooftop design will be made shortly.
Next week we also hope to get a land survey so that we can determine the exact height of the building’s foundation. This may alter the design of the building slightly.
Option 1: Flat Roof
Option 2 : The Butterfly Roof
Option 3: The Cheese Wedge